Special Educational Needs
We aim to identify pupils with learning difficulties as early as possible in their school career.
At Beehive Lane School we have high expectations of all our learners, and aim for all pupils to reach their full potential regardless of their gender, race, culture or background. We recognise, however, that some pupils have special educational needs (SEN) and require extra provision that is in addition to and different from the normal differentiated curriculum.
Extra support may be provided for the following areas of need:
- Language and literacy
- Numeracy
- Speech and communication
- Social skills
- Self-
esteem and confidence - Concentration
- Behaviour
- Motor skills
This support is often given in the classroom by the class teacher or learning support assistant but sometimes pupils are withdrawn from the classroom for individual or small group teaching in one of our quiet rooms.
The Special Educational Needs Co-
We strongly believe however, that meeting the needs of pupils with SEN is a collaborative effort involving the pupil, parents and school staff. We aim to work closely with families to plan appropriate support and review progress.
SEND Information for Parents
send information for parents.pdf