Computing enables learners to participate in a rapidly changing world.
Beehive Lane Computing Curriculum
The Computing curriculum is designed to prepare the children to engage knowledgeably and safely in the ever-changing world of technology. Each year contains a set of progressive skills and knowledge that are challenging, engaging and accessible.
To ensure the children gain the relevant and varied skills, there is a balance of:
- Computer Science where children are taught how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.
- Digital Literacy where children are able to use and express themselves through information and communication technology;
- Information Technology where children can collect, evaluate and analyse real data and
- Online Safety where children are taught how to analyse content, use safe contact guidelines and learn how to conduct themselves appropriately.
The curriculum also contains strong links to other areas of the curriculum, including mathematics, science, humanities, art and music.
We aim for the children to reach a suitable level for their education beyond primary school and as active participants in the digital world.
National Curriculum - Computing
Our Computing curriculum uses the components of the Teach Computing curriculum. It is comprised of four strands: Computer Science, Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Online Safety.
Computing skills are taught both discretely and cross-curricularly, supporting other areas of learning across the school curriculum.
The same/similar computing applications are used in subsequent year groups to enable children to embed key concepts in their long-term memory, for example, the use of beebots in EYFS & KS1 and Scratch in KS2. Skills are re-capped and built on to ensure success.
Our facilities make certain that the learning environment is engaging and enables each child to access the lesson fully as each child has access to their own computer. Lessons are also enhanced by the use of iPads.
The curriculum is closely monitored so that there is clear progression of skills and that new skills build on those previously taught. Each unit of work has a clearly defined end point.
The impact of Computing is measured on the children’s progress but also their enjoyment. Our children enjoy their computing lessons and are confident in their use of a range of hardware and software. The children of our school are also knowledgeable and confident when discussing online safety. They value this aspect of computing and are respectful in their conduct online.
Computing lessons at Beehive Lane are full of enthusiastic activity, of children who can work independently and collaboratively and of children clearly progressing in their skills. Teachers have good subject knowledge and are able to support the children in delivering good quality computing.